Selected publications

  1. Skovsgaard, C. V., Kristensen, T., Pulleyblank, R., & Olsen, K. R. (2023). Increasing capitation in mixed remuneration schemes: Effects on service provision and process quality of care. Health Economics32(11), 2477-2498.
  2. Kruse, M.Olsen, K. R., & Skovsgaard, C. V. (2022). Co-payment and adolescents’ use of psychologist treatment: Spill over effects on mental health care and on suicide attemptsHealth Economics31S2), 92– 114.
  3. Laudicella, M.Li Donni, P.Olsen, K. R., & Gyrd-Hansen, DAge, morbidity, or something else? A residual approach using microdata to measure the impact of technological progress on health care expenditureHealth Economics, (2022) 1– 18.
  4. Tapager I, Olsen K.R., Vrangbaek K. Exploring equity in accessing diabetes management treatment: A healthcare gap analysis. Soc Sci Med. Jan 2022;292
  5. Olsen, K.R. & M., Laudicella. Health care inequality in free access Health Systems: the impact of non-pecuniary incentives on diabetes patients in Danish General Practices. Soc Sci & Med  2019;230:174-183.
  6. Olsen K.R. Patient complexity and GPs’ income under mixed remuneration. Health Economics. 2012, Jun; 21 (6): 619–756
  7. Laudicella M., Olsen K.R., Street A. Examing cost variation across hospital departments-a two-stage multi-level approach using patient-level data. Soc Sci Med. 2010 Nov; 71 (10): 1872-81.
  8. Olsen K.R., Street A. The analysis of efficiency among a small number of organisations: how inferences can be improved by exploiting patient-level data. Health Economics 2008 Jun;17(6):671-81.
  9. Olsen, K.R., Kongstad, LP & Mellace, G. 2019. How are you doing? The benefits of informing health care providers on the performance of their patients. HEDG Working paper 25/16 University of York
  10. Olsen K.R.; Gyrd-Hansen, D.; Sørensen, T. Højmark ; T. Kristensen; P. Vedsted; A. Street. Organisational determinants of production and efficiency in general practice: a population-based study. Eur J of Health Econ. Volume 14, Issue 2, pp 267–276 2013